If you are near a bookstore with magazines, make sure to look for the issue pictured above. Daniel Kim and Wes Bell both have photos in there along with photos from homie Bobby Worrest. Peep the new Thraser to see some Zach Lyons heat as well!
The Redbull Jersey Barrier contest is blastin off for the next 5 months. We are gonna be posting clips weekly and we need you guys to vote for us. Here is our first clip. To view the clip and vote click HERE! Thanks for the support!
Go skate day with P5 was a huge success. No one got in trouble and no one got hurt! Hopefully we can make another great event out of it next year as well. To view more photos from the event, click HERE!!!!! Photos by Ronald Flores.
The 'BUILD A NATION TOUR' first stop was DC and the demo was super sick. Look out for footage of the demo in the near future on the Organika site. In the meantime there are more photos on their blog if you click right HERE!!!