
Thursday, January 10, 2008


Awhile ago I sent these interview questions to Danny to start up a interview for I called him today and was like "where are the answers??". I looked back at my old emails and he actually sent me answers August last year. So here is the start of an interview that was never finished.

words: Bradley Rosado. photos: Kevtron 3000

How is your SF LifeStyle Compared to your Eastcoast life Style?
San Francisco Is the best city on earth, and it's definatley non stop fun , but with all the other shit that i have going on out there its hard to skate as much as i want to. Plus all hose amazing spots that you associate with SF are gone now and skateing third and army gets old after three SF is the best City in terms of Culture and architecture and music etc... but DC is the best place to skate for sure.

What's the meaning of your walrus Tattoos?
My Good friend christopher drew this character in high school (a walrus flying through the air with a cape, bowtie, and a top hat) it looked like a child drew it and i always wanted to get it tattooed. i called chris from a tattoo place in SF and told him to email me drawing of the thing and he gave me like hree versions of the walrus drawing. they looked so good that i got two of them. i got the one flying and one of the same walrus sitting in a lawn chair drinking a martini.

PMA doesn't really stand for Praise Mother Africa Does it?
There has been some confusion about this thanks to Zach but no, it doesn't, it stands for "Positively Most Attractive."

When are we going to see a full Danny Gotimer video part and no more of this shared part crap?
Never, i'm trying to ride zachs coattails all the way to the top.

Whats the story behind the Friend or Foe photo? Its a little questionable don't you think?
Not sure what you mean. if by "Questionable" you mean "Gay" i'll have to say no. There is nothing remotely Gay about wrapping your arms around another man's chiseled midsection and riding off into the sunset on a moped. (and its not gay if your in love)

Zach says your afraid of being famous. why is that?
If you would pay a psychiatrist for me i'm sure he could answer that.